Léo is my friend from class and he is coming to live in Torrance with my family and I for the months of January and February 2019 in order for him and I to complete our volunteer mission for school and for Léo to visit So Cal. He has never been to the U.S. and it’s one of his biggest dreams so I thought it would be fun to ask his opinion on certain things before and after having visited and experienced America.

- What do you think the food is like in America? “I think the food is not very expensive and very fatty. I assume everyone eat’s lots of burgers. Two things I want to try are food trucks with burgers and ice cream trucks. I also really want to see a giant pizza.”
- What do you think of L.A.? “That’s a hard question. I don’t know what’s waiting for me over there. Though I know it’s going to be sick! There’s Hollywood, Venice Beach and Santa Monica. Those are all things that I only see in GTA (Grand Theft Auto) and other video games, it’s like a dream to get to go there. I also feel like it’s a really chill city where you have no stress and life is good.”
- What are American’s like? “The only thing I know about American people is the stuff that I see in the movies. But, the stereotypical American to me is either fat or is super sporty. There’s not too much in-between. The super fat American eats fast food for every meal and doesn’t do much while the sporty guy is always working out and drinking green smoothies and sports drinks.”
- What’s the weirdest thing about America to you? “I think it’s so weird that people give hugs to say hello and instead of doing “la bise” (kisses to say hello). That’s really weird. The food seems weird too. American’s eat too much fatty stuff. Also, Chloe’s pretty strange so I assume American people are the same. I feel like American girls are more open about their bodies and about sex then french girls. French girls are pretty closed off in that sense. Lastly, it’s super weird (and kinda stupid to me) that you can drive at 16 but not drink until 21. What’s up with that?”
- What’s the thing you want to visit the most in America? “Wow, that’s a hard question because already just going to the U.S. is a dream come true! I don’t know I want to visit the most… I wish I could do a huge road trip to see the all the states and everything to see in the U.S. I guess, I’d say the thing I want to visit most is the Grand Canyon. Also I wish I could see New York, New York sometime in my life even though I can’t see it this time.”
- How long do you think it would do a road trip stopping in all 50 states? “2 or 3 weeks.”
- What do you think college parties are like in the U.S.? “I feel like frat parties have crazy rushing rituals, dangerous hazing, tons of drinking, lots of vomiting, everyone is like family and the ambiance is crazy. Again this stuff is the stuff I see in the movies but I feel like it’s the same.”
- Is shopping better in the U.S. or in France? “Holy shit of course in the U.S. It’s a lot cheaper over there and you have a lot more choices.”
- Is pizza better in France or in America? “I don’t know, I think they’re just different. I feel like American pizza’s will have worse ingredients and they will be huge and fattier. I think in France they use better ingredients and they are of better quality but they’re a lot smaller and more expensive.”
- In general, are the girls hotter in the U.S. or in France? “I think that girls in the U.S. are hotter. Their confidence makes them hot.They seem like their easier to talk to because French girls are more closed off and it seems like they think they’re too good for all of us guys.”
- What’s the worst part about America? “You probably shouldn’t write this because I don’t want American’s to hate me but, I think that President Trump is the worst thing about America.” But, I told him not to worry because tons American’s have the same opinion and he stuck with his opinion.
- What do you think about American cars? “They are amazing! So stylish compared to what we have here.”
P.S. (from Léo): “I am super excited to discover everything in the U.S. and I feel like I have the best person to help me discover it. Thanks Chloe! See you soon America!”

I am super excited to show Léo what my life is like in Torrance and what So Cal and the U.S. are like in general. If you have any ideas of things that Léo should see while his in Cali let me know! I’m always open more ideas to make his trip once in a lifetime. Thanks!
LÉO’S THOUGHTS ON THE U.S.A. is the best post so far! So funny and real. Can’t wait to read the next one.
Thanks dad! I’m glad you liked it. Keep reading… I just posted a new one!